Tuesday, June 15, 2010

DAMN the man!

I don't know who still reads this. But lets just say I have selfishly turned it in to some kind of outlet to all my musings and bruisings... I know my mamma reads it!

I have just one statement to make today:
"Damn the man!"
We are all worried about what everyone else thinks and I am having to swallow my pride quite a bit lately with some of the decisions I am having to make, especially in regards my whole current state of employment .
It is not particularly fun. But as long as i am happy with my decisions I have to remind myself to mentally tell everyone else to stick it where the sun don't shine if they think otherwise. Admittedly I would like other people to think of me in certain ways sometimes, and a lot of the time I actually have no real proof of how they truely do think of me - just my assumptions or fears. But people will think what they will.

This is not supposed to be a depressing memo to shed light on how judgemental people are of people but rather a word of encouragement to say "stick it, I am just going to do this because I think I should.. regardless of whether Cindy-Lou thinks I am a retard as a result."

the sun is out.
I am going to eat lunch. then weed the front garden.

-katie joy...

      ...i miss my brother cowboy.


  1. Giddy-up
    Stick it up

    I'm still reading
    and still smiling!


  2. ohh I loves a good rant! thanks for letting me inside your head.

    brother ben was here again . . .

