Monday, June 14, 2010

3 mad hatters.

So I moved into a new house on Wednesday last week. We are a residence of 3; Lucy, myself and Millie the dog. I had very little sleep on my first night - due to an over active imagination my mind would not shut off, and when it did it then decided to wake me up again 2 hours later!

Despite that first night I have been settling in well. I spent the weekend house sitting the house I just moved out of, ironically. Looked after Patsy the cat. She is swell. We sat out back the house in the evening sun in the garden, with a coffee and cigar on Saturday after I got home from work. I am worried about her, she seemed to like my cigar smoke a little too much. Cats and addictions eh, trouble, trouble!
I left the house with a sweet treat on the table to say thanks for letting me stay with them - another cake! Unfortunately I didn't pack my camera so no cake pictures :( Pity as it was my Mamma's Classic 1 egg Chocolate Cake.. with a butter cinnamon chocolate icing... prettily decorated with a big pink 'Thanks' and squiggle trim which took me an age with the piping tube as I made the pink icing too thick initially!!

I wanted to do a 'new room' blog, but I have too many plans for it to take any wide lense shots,
so here are a few detail shots of my new room... when I do a little work on it then I'll do a proper report.. it's not pretty enough for my spacial vanity at this point!

I realised that all my shoes bar a pair of jandals (called.. something else over here i forget, and 'thongs' in Australia) are either black or brown leather... a little boring, but quite cute when all lined up in the bottom of my new wardrobe. That picture, with the cigars - take note Patsy; 'SMOKING KILLS!'

I tried to take a nice picture of Millie and I,  but she was too hyper, so I only got half shots of us...

these are all highly unattractive of me, but we were having a fun wrestle.

Til later days.
-katie joy

1 comment:

  1. dearling Katiejoy, what is thine address now thou hast move-ed? I havest a finely scribed missive for thine currently under construction aided by many train journeys and lido coffees. Kissyou missyou loveyou shoveyou. benjafriend.
