Saturday, June 5, 2010

house tests, hair mess, let me de-stress my mind.

kirsten dunst looks almost edible in this photograph.
She has inspired me to cut my hair in a similar style... 
I have been swaying too and fro with the idea of keeping my long locks or cutting them off into a bob. These lovely pictures have made me dicide to pop myself somewhere in the middle. Also, I now want a subscription to Lula, an American created magazine full of delightful treats which is where I found these lovely pictures. I think it may be in danger of becoming my second favourite mag after Frankie.

I have booked my hair appointment for Wednesday and am far too excited, here's hoping the hairdresser does a smashing job and I come away all smiles and prettiness.

In other news I am meeting a Lucy tomorrow to view a double room she has for rent.. hopefully the house is lovely (as it appears to be in the ad) and she is just as lovely, but how could she not be with a name like Lucy?? I already want to live with her just so I might be able to say;
"Yea, I live with a girl called Lucy, she's swell." Plus she has a puppy labrador, nothing better than the joys of a pet without all the responsibility. And also meeting up with a Landlord who is going to show me 2 or 3 different flats. Both Lucy and the landlord's properties are all in the same vicinity. Close to the lovely park that I so dearly want to live near.

I shall keep you posted.

here is the park.
-kate attack