Tuesday, May 25, 2010

absence makes the heart grow fonder

So, after a short grumpy stint today, I am now feeling my normal chipper self. Joy is my middle name afterall now in'it, so I best do my best to live up to it.

I have decided that despite all my efforts in search of employment (my endless emails with cover letters and 'current' Curriculum Vitaes, my beautifully handwritten - brown envelope sealed - letters of application, my persistant calls - being calls on the phone, calling in and calling on by - to what I had thought to be 'potential' employers) and despite all the rejection or a lot of the time lack of even that, I am going to 'keep on keepin on' and do so in a cheery manner.
I have also decided that absence makes the heart grow fonder - YES, it IS true! Thus meaning that, all this absence of income, absence of employment, absence of working hours will some day end, and I shall be far more ecstatic when I am first employed, than I would of been, had I been nearly a month and a half ago when I first arrived here.

Also, despite already having known that I have potentially one of the best families in the world, that they are indeed much loved by me. My heart grows fonder of them all every day.

The third picture of Tombombidal and I is at least 5 years old.

I shall also be the happiest I have ever been in my life about moving into my own room to do with what I please, when that day ever comes. I have no idea when, just as much as I have no idea about anything in my future to come at this point.

so my little smitten mittens and kittens, 'remember' that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
'patience is a virtue.'

-katie JOY

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,
    This is an awesome blog you got going! Keep it up!
