...but instead she is a Birthday girl!!
Sooo another event in the (what is currently)
very small life of Newcastle Katie
was an invitation to celebrate a new-found friend's
beach-side birthday.
sea".. in a wee sand laden land called Tynemouth,
where men in small shorts work out
in groups of 5 and small children attempt to walk
on the sand but often fall due to small,
12month old leather cushioned feet.
The Birthday girl:

Her strange, and unfortunate tag along brother
(who wouldn't walk along the beach due to fear of
getting sand in his precious shoes - but we
musn't jugde, he is after all, a really nice guy):

yet another sweet treat creation a la Katie Merryweather.

mmmmmm, cream cheese with lemon,
vanilla and icing sugar = my friend.
So i went to see the sea, and I saw that
it was lover-ly.
here is a ruined cathedral on the cliffs
above the sea.
It looked tiny from afar,
but it is actually really big.
funny that.

Update on me today:
I am still unemployed.
I have an interview next week on Wednesday.
Someone wants me to move into
their lovely flat, but are waiting for
their current flatmate to find a place to
move... which is actually good, I'd
rather hold off til I get a job.
is the subliminal messgage
I send out to all potential employers
whether this be in my Curriculum Vitae,
or whilst I speak to them in person and/or on the phone.
I am too OLD (would you believe) to
be a hairdressing apprentice.
... I have taken up
trying to teach myself how to yodel.
This way, if I end up on the streets,
I can sing my sorrows away in a loud,
abrasive, obnoxious fashion that someone
might take note and pity of me
and employ me in some
strange but wonderful occupation
that pays unbelievably well.
Oh, And!

i really want a hat like
this lovely lilac femme.
-katie attack.
I want to post the comment that I love you and EVERYTHING is going to be fine. Good idea about holding off on the flat though. Get income before get outgoings, is less stressful. I've got flat/accom before job twice in different countries and it was stressy. BUT it worked out every time and thats why I say to you EVERYTHING will be good. I pray and I know what Mr God is like, faithful! lovelove. benjifriend.