in my blogging duties - my response to all you lovely
fiends, oh, i mean FRIENDS, is: "PUH! I shall write when
I feel inspired.. or when you say such hurtfull things,
that act as a metaphorical kick in the shins to inch me closer to
updating my blog, so there!"
Newcastle is still L-O-V-E, Lovely.
what a pretty picture eh?
Me, and my blonde sheep dag-ish waves frollocking
about the North Eastern parts of England,
applying on average for 2 jobs a day, whether in person
or via internet/email application.
Wondering, "when on earth shall I get a job please six month old baby Jesus?"
(reference Talladega Nights), and finding myself moderately bored at times.
I am eager to get settled my fine fellows over yonder, about the earth,
this is my Number one on my wishlist, which contains only one thing on it.
Events occured since arriving in Newcastle Upon Tyne have
included my New slash old friend's birthday.
Whereupon I endeavoured to make a 'Whacky cake'
titled as such due to its lack of milk and eggs, how Whacky is that!! eeeek.
I was told "this better not taste like crap, or you'll have
ruined my birthday" or something vaguely along those lines.
The overall final product was a success.
The Birthday boy did not spew up my cake, and I let out a sigh of relief.
Here is my minor/master-piece:

The cake was preceeded with a delish pasta, courtesy of birthday boy
and a garden, rug, folky music, pre-drink, out-door setting period of time.
The grass was green, of moderate length, and the sap was running between the trees,
up and down the trees? maybe it wasn't running anywhere, I am not sure what time of year sap is active...

why not photograph with subjects on the cusp of the frames edge eh? mildly self
amusing/indulging perhaps, but it's all about me... who has admittedly been somewhat attuned to believe that aviators can look non-seedy, Top-gun-esque on certain persons, in fact i might go as far to say that they look, quite great.

Will let you know when I have crushed and caught a job and house to live in,
hopefully as soon as possible ('asap' for all you abbreviators) as
i have surpassed my hopeful 'Wednesday' intentions empty handed.
kindest salutations in a non military sense,
Katie joy -

- me giving you my biggest and best smile ever today.
I am all about creating a classy-er world.
nice cake! xxx