So, it's been a year today that I arrived in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.
That first day was truly odd, but good. I was very nervous and it was cold and grey. Not like today at all.
Today is sunny and bright and in fact there is not a single cloud to be seen out my window,
well a single-short streak behind what must be a plane is there, but that is all... and of course the big
round sun. Blinding and burning and incessantly there.
It's giving me that bluey-green haze in front of my eyes that you get when there is too much sunlight to take,
(o so poetically) mirroring the 'metaphorical' haze I seem to have been living in since I got here.
You know, it's been a year and I still don't feel quite settled.
Must be a job thing?
I'll get myself sorted though, I will, you just watch me.
In this last year I have been to France, been to Scotland, been back home, been a bridesmaid (or a maid of horror.. honour?), cut my hair, cut my hair again, worked 3 different jobs and a 4th one off weekend job, cried a lot, laughed a lot, walked (an awful awful) lot, made an entirely new life for me in a city where I knew only one person and the haze is still here. Maybe that might suggest that there is a light shining somewhere all the time... or maybe that is just me getting carried away. To be honest, I can be as poetic (as terrible as my poetry can be) as I like to try but I am actually rather bleeding blunt and realistic. So it is likely that I am in a haze for no reason whatsoever that I will ever comprehend, and it'll just end when it decides to do so on it's flipping own.
Wow, the end of that paragraph seems a little morose.
But I am not, honestly :)
Photo's taken by me, about a year ago; 'A Walk To Kibblesworth and Back'
A year.