Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dead Beats vs Sweet Treats

So, I am at home a lot at the moment (alot, alot) and have decided not to be a dead beat and whittle away the hours wasting my time with television or anything else silly such as that... (although i admit, i have been watching a little bit, wimbledon and all) and so, I have been experimenting in the kitchen just a tad..

Yesterday, after whipping up a batch of potato fritters to eat with the red-bean, tomato, chilli, oregano salsa that I had made the night before, I toasted some musli in organic honey and then endeavoured to create some mini deserts.
I came up with these...
... honey oat and nut, apple and strawberry tarts...  - obviously i need a MUCH better name for them so if anyone has any suitable suggestions throw them my way.

place a base of toasted honey nut musli in the bottom of the tin, then cover with finely sliced apple.

then cut up some strawberries and make a jam puree by boiling them in just a little water with honey or sugar. Dollop the puree on top, then spread over the apple, like so;

Find a pastry recipe, and make some pastry to cover the tarts with... I didn't have all the ingredients for a short crust pastry so consquently just made one up, loosely based around it. I was quite afraid that it would indeed fail, but luckily it turned out just swell.

I put a special 'L' on top of one of them for my flatmate Lucy but couldn't be bothered using the remains of the pastry to decorate the others.. so now am left with a ridiculously small amount of pastry wrapped up and sitting on the top shelf in my fridge. Simply eating the dough is tempting.. but surely I shan't be doing that!!

O yes! I nearly forgot; I am going in to learn some of the ropes in my new job on Thursday - SKIRT Boutique in High Bridge Lane in Newcastle.. YAY a job where I can dress up pretty and chat to people, convincing them to spend money on pretty things, hehehe, I am o' so, so eager.

-katie j


  1. Wowza! beauty lady those tarts look grande
    I often (and a little arrogantly) claim to be the better cook in the family but I guess the proof is in the literal pudding!


  2. that's because you ARE the better cook in the family.. sheesh... but i have been practicing and experimenting, so you may have a little sister foody in the making..

    ..so when we get that ranch of ours we can turn soil, grow crop, cook and gallop across the plains for the rest of time. heh heh

