Planes are a dreaded thing in my mind now.
the air feels as if it is sucking out all and any moisture
from my fatigued body (as it is).
4 to 5 hours sleep in 2 and a half days.
I have concluded i find it very difficult to sleep on a plane.
Despite these misfortunes, i sat next to a very lovely londoner the whole way
from Sydney, to Bangkok, to London. He was funny. He shook his head with dissapproval
an awful lot. "i can't believe out ov' all the pants i had to throw out at the airport, that i kept these ones, look at 'em, their dirt-ee" (followed by head shake)...
(head shake) " i can't believe I'm on a plane agen,' that i 'ave to spend anuva
day on a plane"
humerous for me.
Yorn's bed seemed to be the best bed i have ever slept in
in my entire life, like a giant marshmellow. And i slept as if hit over the head with an iron mallet. wonderful.
My current view:
Off to dine with some Kiwi friends tonight in Covent Garden area, whose stay in London has
extended itself repeatedly... will they ever return home?? will i?
time well tell.
My lovely brother wrote the following to me,
i like it, so i shall share it:
'Heritage Here It IS!'
Coming back to the place you've never been,
seeing things you've never seen.
Wandering far and high on winged shoes,
brilliantly lit paths from which to choose.
Voices of friends yet to be met
mingle with adventures you haven't had yet!
dinner with Steve and Salena,
Mexican foods and "touristy" photo shots at night.
Surreal. Surreal is what it is.
-katie j
yay! love you fish.