... and it went a little something like this;
up early ish.
realise i have no food for breakfast..
steal flatmates bread for toast.
eat toast and a large black cup of coffee as my cream has gone off.
change sheets on my bed.
mount two pictures on the wall above my bed.
Vacuum my room.
eat left over pasta i made the night before for lunch.
watch half of the final of project runway.
make some grape-chilli-cinnamon chutney.
watch the second half of project runway final.
nearly burn my grape chutney.
make some strawberry, basil and plum jam.
Vacuum the lounge.
clean the bathroom.
make some flaky puff pastry.
wrap it in 'cling-film' (as the English call it)
and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.
Eat prawn, mushroom, leek, basil pesto pasta courtesy of Lucy.
Help Lucy put up the giant wardrobe from hell.
Save Lucy's life by catching the falling top of the wardrobe.
bandage Lucy's cut arm.
defeat the wardrobe after three set-backs.
Start to decorate the lounge with paper doilies and wool.
Pull tiny shards of wood out of Lucy's cut in her arm with tweasers.
Finish decorating the lounge whilst Millie (the dog) whines as
Lucy has gone to bed and Lucy is her favourite.
Realise I have actually already been 22 for the most of today
as I was born in the Pacific time-zone not a European one!