So myself and 5 other young ladies gathered around an oversized television to watch England play against Germany this afternoon. What a disgrace. 4-1. And yes, the linesman did cheat England out of a goal... but in my eyes that would of still only brought the score up to a dismal 4-2 to Germany. So pitiful, pitiful effort team England. No longer shall I claim to be half english! Hahaha, no actually as much as I do in fact enjoy rallying at a game of footy, I am not that bothered by the loss... so would not go so far as to deny my british heritage.
A lovely follow up to the game however was proceeded with two doors down at Amy and Emma's in their O' so quaint back yard.... the cutest little bar-be-que you ever did see; baked brie, scorched scallops, and grilled garlic prawns.. yum-o for my tum.
Accompanied with a good half a bottle of wine for me and I was set for the eve.
Here are some of my pictures from the sun soaked tale.. Lucy got Millie to sit still and pose for me (with the aid of a little food).
I now have a headache from having just a little too much wine I think, so am downing copious amounts of water to ensure I aleviate any and all struggle my liver may be undergoing.
Not feeling "homesick" so much so yet (I am hoping this keeps at bay 'til at least the 6 month mark), but I rather sometimes just miss being around people who know me, so i can skip any and all small talk... or the rather common question "so what brought you to England?" This is a perfectly reasonably question of course and I do not resent anyone who asks it. However it conjures up a longing in me to be around someone like my sister, my mother or an 'old friend' (cannot be too old though huh, because let us admit it; I am just a mere child) who I could potentially yell at upon greeting them and not be thought of as completely insane based on my well-rounded history with them, upon which they could draw a well-rounded opinion of me and not be bothered by my moments of mere insanity...
... in other words; it is nice to be around people who already know you sometimes.. a little less tiring.
My hair looks and smells great tonight.
Pity no one but me gets to see it.
Not even Millie the dog, she has gone to stay at her other mums house.
toodles ladles and jellyspoons.
all my love,
- katie joy merryweather